Yun Lintian's Doubt

Huoyun Lingling and Huoyun Yanyan were shocked to the point their minds went numb. They had seen a lot of the battles between top experts, but none of them was one-sided like this. Not to mention Yun Lintian's strength was only in the Heaven Profound Realm, while the enemies were all in the Saint Profound Realm and above!

"Hmph!" Linlin snorted coldly and returned to her miniature form before jumping back to Yun Lintian's shoulder. She thought these opponents could give her a good fight, but they were simply too weak that she didn't even use thirty percent of her power.

"It's overkill." Yun Lintian patted Linlin's head gently.

"You can't blame me, Big Brother Yun. They are too weak." Linlin wrinkled her nose cutely.

Huoyun Lingling came back to her sense and hurriedly said. "Senior, we need to move now. I believe they have already reported their master before coming here."

Yun Lintian nodded and said. "Can you take me to see your clan?"