I Love You, Mother

Huoyun Yurou woke up from her son's memory with a heavy heart. With her realm, she could be considered standing at the pinnacle of the world, but this mysterious woman gave her an endless horror. And she was aware that the strength the woman displayed earlier was only the tip of the iceberg. It was difficult to imagine what her true power was.

"You understand now, mother?" Huoyun Xiaohuo asked softly.

Huoyun Yurou took a few deep breaths and turned to Yun Lintian. "Who exactly are you?"

Yun Lintian had no idea what Huoyun Yurou saw earlier to make her ask this question. He did not know how to answer this.

Huoyun Xiaohuo spoke on Yun Lintian's behalf. "He didn't even know himself, mother. This question has to ask that person."

Huoyun Yurou, of course, knew this. She merely asked it out of the complicated feeling she had. She looked at her son and asked softly. "Why are you so stupid? Do you think that I will force you to inherit the throne?"