The Invitation From The Sky Qilin Clan

The [Vermilion God's Spirit Song] was regarded as one of the Three Great World Scorching Divine Books alongside the [Phoenix God's Burning Heaven] and the [Golden Crow God's Light The World]. Each possessed tremendous power capable of burning the world.

Among the three Divine Birds, the Vermilion Bird's personality was gentler while the Phoenix was cold. As for the Golden Crow, it was the most violent one among them. Hence, the Golden Crow was the strongest in terms of power, followed by the Phoenix and the Vermilion Bird, respectively.

The [Vermilion God's Spirit Song] consisted of six stages totally, each one of them inclining toward the defensive and supportive more than offensive. It could also increase one's medical skills. 

Yun Lintian read it for a while and roughly understood the whole six stages. However, the flame would go out of control every time he tried to invoke it. Evidently, mastering the Wood element was required, as Hongyue said.