Preparation For The Worst

After comforting her granddaughters, Huoyun Yurou turned to Huoyun Rui and Huoyun Xiao. "When Little Zhu and I went away, you two need to step up and take care of everything here. They will certainly try to get into this place. Although the formation has been strengthened, we cannot underestimate them. Understand?"

"Leave it to me, Matriarch." Huoyun Rui patted his chest.

Meanwhile, Huoyun Xiao thought for a moment and asked. "Matriarch, do we need to forgive Huoyun Jie? Although he's stubborn and did wrong, his loyalty is unquestionable. Plus, we need him to scout the outside situation."

Huoyun Yurou didn't answer right away. She turned to the end of the hall and said calmly. "Come here."

In front of a majestic tomb, Huoyun Jie was kneeling there with his eyes closed. His body trembled slightly when he heard Huoyun Yurou's voice. He didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly rushed to the hall.