Trace Of The Past Event

Yun Lintian's power showcase did startle not only Iryena but also everyone in the place. Especially Mu Qiuxue. Before this, Yun Lintian had shown the fire and lightning elemental techniques. She didn't expect him to be proficient in the water element too.

"Fire, Lightning, and water. All contradictory elements exist in one person…." Yavanna muttered while staring at the three elemental balls in Yun Lintian's palm in astonishment.

"Beyond Heaven King's successor?" Guchang looked at Yun Lintian in doubt. He had lived for a long time, but he had never heard anything about this Beyond Heaven King before.

Iryena took a deep breath, looking at Yun Lintian solemnly. "It's my honor to meet his successor here. However, the current Tree of Life is not in a good state. I'm afraid it might affect you."

"Hongyue?" Yun Lintian's expression was calm while he secretly asked Hongyue in his mind.