Tree Of Life And Dragon Of Death (2)

Yun Lintian abruptly stiffened. He stared straight at the tree branch and asked. "My King…?"

The gentle voice's owner did not answer, but a trace of vitality gradually flushed into Yun Lintian's body, heading toward the Beyond Heaven King's Crown that resided between his brows.

The crowd gently shook, and Yun Lintian immediately felt a warm sensation spread over his body as if he were lying in a comfortable hot spring. 

Yun Lintian didn't resist because this warm current was not only completely friendly and kind but also so vast and boundless that he was totally powerless against it.

"You're His Majesty's successor. We're obligating to regard you as our new king." The gentle voice resounded.

Yun Lintian couldn't resist the urge and asked directly. "Can you tell me who he is? And where is he now?"