Dream Of Life (7)

"You stand guard tonight." After the hearty meal, Lin Musong said arrogantly to Lin Tianyun. 

Hearing this, the family's elders wanted to persuade their young master because Lin Tianyun was slightly better than an ordinary mortal. Leaving this duty to him was no different from having a wooden fence against a wolf pack. However, they immediately swallowed their words back when they saw Lin Musong's dissatisfied gaze.

Lin Tianyun had no objection. Wasn't he waiting for this chance all this time? He simply nodded and went to find a relatively remote place to sit down, waiting for the night to come.

Lin Musong exchanged a glance with Jin Lei, and the two quickly went to their respective tents with something on their minds.

Meanwhile, Qin Ye saw this scene. A frown appeared between his brows as he could smell a hint of conspiracy. He thought for a moment and walked toward Lin Tianyun.