Killing Intent That Shook Heaven (1)

In the cave, "Lin Tianyun" snorted coldly as he perceived the four people's aura. "Hmph! Their noses are surely sharp."

He glanced at his own skeleton and took a storage ring out of its finger. After looking at the content inside, a grin appeared on his face. "Jiejiejie. Thankfully, I am smart enough."

In the next moment, a black robe immediately appeared in his hand, and the robe automatically wrapped around his body. At the same time, a long black sword silently appeared in his hand. The sword trembled slightly, emitting a sinister aura as though it was excited to see its owner once again.

"Long time so see, my friend." Lin Tianyun caressed the sword gently. "These dogs appear so timely. How about we use their blood as our reunion's feast?"


The sword let out a sharp cry, trembling excitedly in response. Lin Tianyun grinned and calmly walked toward the entrance.