Fallen Heroes

The expressions of Qi and Tian changed drastically as they called out. "Master!"

"Focus!" Tianqi Zongwei said coldly. "This is our last chance. Whether the Nine Profound Beast Palace could continue to exist depends on this attack. Don't hold back."

Qi and Tian forcibly suppressed the grief in their hearts and wholeheartedly concentrated on the formation.

"Kekeke… What a useless struggle. Why don't all of you accept your death and obediently become this deity's supplement? At least, you can be useful for once." Jue Kong's spine-chilling voice echoed in everyone's mind.

"Everything has to thank this little brat. If you want to blame, you should blame him for occupying that bitch Tree of Life." 

"Bastard!" Yun Huanxin was furious when she heard this. She turned in Yun Ruanyu's direction and asked. "Sister Ruanyu, do you have a way to wake Lintian up?… We are too careless. We should bring Princess Hongyue out with us."