Scattered To The Wind

A sense of fear emerged in Jue Kong's heart for the first time in his life. He quickly mobilized every ounce of his power, but the vines got stronger every time he tried to get rid of them.

The Beyond Heaven King's Crown on Yun Lintian's head suddenly shone with multicolored lights. At the same time, the moon and the sun in the sky had also grown brighter, emitting their respective elemental powers.

One hot and one cold. Jue Kong felt as though he had been throwing away between a scorching desert and an extreme ice abyss. 


The thunder roared, and a thick purple lightning bolt abruptly descended, mercilessly striking Jue Kong's head. 

His body, which innately possessed the protection of the death aura, was instantly pierced through like a fragile piece of leather. Under the terrifying force brought by The Moon, The Sun, and The Thunder, several of his skeletons were directly shattered into pieces, causing him to let out a painful scream.