Light In The Darkness

Guchang, Fan, and Mu Qiuxue rushed toward the Water Cave at full speed. They tried their best to avoid profound beasts along the way. Although they were worried about Yun Lintian, they believed no one could catch up with him if he wanted to escape.


All of a sudden, Bi Xian appeared in the air ahead of Guchang's group, causing them to halt their tracks.

Upon seeing it was Bi Xian, Guchang cupped his fists and greeted her. "It's been a while, Matriarch Bi."

"Indeed," Bi Xian smiled gently. She glanced at Mu Qiuxue and Fan briefly before asking. "I wonder where you are heading to, Patriarch Hongniu."

Guchang waved his hand slightly. "Please call me Guchang. I'm no longer in the position… We're planning to hide in the Water Cave for the time being."

Bi Xian responded. "Water Cave? I see. It's indeed a good place… I wonder where's Young Master Huoyun Tian, Brother Guchang?"