Forsaken God Tribe

"AH!" As Guchang was about to move forward, he suddenly heard Fan exclaim in fright from behind.

When everyone turned to look in Fan's direction, they immediately saw his entire right arm sinking into the wall, making them startled for a moment.

"Bastard! What are you doing?" Guchang was furious and quickly arrived beside his stupid son before pulling the latter's arm out.

"I… I just wanted to touch it. Who knows it would become like this?" Fan tried to defend himself and gave a look of innocent to his father.

"You!" Guchang was both angry and helpless. What crime did he commit in his past life to give birth to this stupid son?

"Relax, Senior Guchang. There seems to be something on the wall." Mu Qiuxue's perception was sharp. She could perceive something at the end of the hole that Fan had created.