Sunlight Banquet (1)

Yun Lintian had no idea that he was already discovered by the long-lost enemy, Yin Xu. The following day, he woke up from the meditation to see Nantian Fengyu staring at him with her hands on her cheeks.

"Finally wake up? I'm starving to death." Nantian Fengyu rubbed her tummy and expressed her dissatisfaction.

Yun Lintian was speechless. How did he become a nanny now?

"How about eating here?" Yun Lintian asked while washing his face and brushing his teeth. During this time, he requested Yun Qingrou to develop daily products like soaps, toothpaste, and shampoo. With his instruction, everyone in the Land of Beyond Heaven already had cleaning habits.

Nantian Fengyu wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "I don't want to eat here."

Yun Lintian thought for a moment and said. "Alright. Let's find a restaurant."

"Mhm!" Nantian Fengyu nodded heavily and quickly rushed out of the room. She didn't forget to drag Yun Lintian along.