Moon Garden

Yun Lintian retracted his gaze and said to everyone. "I'll set up a formation first. All of you try your best to stick together. We never know when that person is going to appear."

Everyone expressed their understanding and found a place nearby to settle down.

Yun Lintian began meticulously laying killing formations and protective formations around the entire island's center area. His speed was extremely fast, stunning everyone that looked at him.

"He…" Among them, Hu An opened his mouth in shock. This was the first time he felt far inferior to someone. Not only Yun Lintian's battle prowess was unparalleled, but his medical skills and formation arts were not inferior at all. Was there really such a perfect existence in this world?

Nantian Lingyan and the others were also surprised to see this. Although they knew how powerful Yun Lintian was, they had never thought he would be to this extent.