The Origin Of Poison Valley

Yun Lintian fell into silence for a long time. He tried to connect the dots between the mysterious woman and Yun Wushuang, but he didn't think they were the same person. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to make the Misty Cloud Palace the number one in the world instead of letting the Azure Palace occupy it?

Furthermore, if Yun Wushuang was that powerful, they wouldn't be a struggle between the Abyssal Profound Beasts and humans in the first place. 

The more Yun Lintian thought about it, the more confused he became. This feeling, when he felt he could reach it, but it was blocked by a tiny stump that he couldn't take out, made him about to go crazy.

"Ruanyu, have you ever heard anything about Yun Wushuang?" Yun Lintian asked in his mind.