The Secret Behind The Ancient City

Scared Wang almost peed his pant facing Lu Bo's devilish smile. At this moment, he didn't care anymore and spilled everything out. "I say! I say! It's the Jia family's Jia Sun! He told us to cause trouble here and chased the new guests away. Please don't kill me!"

Scared Wang's voice was full of pleading, and he even started to sob uncontrollably. His face was full of snots and tears, making him look so disgusting, totally contrasting from his previous arrogant appearance.

"Jia family?" Lu Bo's brows raised slightly. Although this Jia family had troubled the Tang inn sometimes, they didn't usually go overboard like this. Why would they suddenly come up with this move?

Lu Bo didn't say anything further. He was powerful enough to discern whether Scared Wang lies or not. He released a tiny force and shredded the latter into pieces as he did to his friends.