Battle Of The Lightning


A deafening dragon's cry reverberated throughout the space as Yun Lintian punched out. A virtual fire dragon appeared around his arm, opening its mouth wide, aiming to swallow Hei Lei.

Hei Lei snorted coldly and released a black lightning cage to protect himself.


The exchange of a single blow from the two of them immediately forced them to retreat to the distance. 

Yun Lintian stabilized himself and looked at the black lightning cage around Hei Lei with a frown. He had exerted more than eighty percent of his strength into the previous punch, but it was entirely blocked by that lightning cage. It could be seen how terrifying its defense was.

Meanwhile, Hei Lei was surprised inwardly. Although he had successfully blocked Yun Lintian's punch, his internal organs were almost turned upside down by the impact. The consequence would be severe if he didn't conjure the black lightning cage in time.