Little Naughty Girl (2)

"Got you!" Yun Lintian flashed forward with lightning speed and released a lightning cage to catch the little girl, who was fleeing from him happily.

"Ah! Bad Uncle!" The little girl exclaimed as she saw a lightning cage appearing around her. 

Before Yun Lintian could smile, the little girl's body suddenly swayed and transformed into a powerful gust of wind, slipping out of the lightning cage and reappearing in the distance. This scene made Yun Lintian dumbfounded.

Normally, the lightning element was a bane of any spirit, but this little girl could actually escape from his lightning cage. How to catch her, then?

"Hehe! Come catch me, Bad Uncle!" The little girl giggled and ran away.

Yun Lintian touched his chin, thinking of a way to catch this little girl. Since the lightning element didn't work, he had no other way to confine her.