Next Destination

Rain Woman, Qingxuan, looked at Hongyue and said. "You're still alive."

"You remember everything?" Hongyue asked.

Qingxuan shook her head. "I can't remember what happened in the past. All I know is I came here for a reason… Why don't you tell me?"

Hongyue thought for a moment and said. "You are the one who sealed your memory. Since it is the case, it's inappropriate for me to tell you. However, I can tell you that you came here for him."

Qingxuan glanced at Yun Lintian and said. "Who is he? Why did he have his power?"

"You can treat him as his successor," Hongyue replied calmly. "You have intervened in his matter this time. I'm afraid your aura would be exposed to those bastards soon. Why don't you live in the Moon Garden for the time being?"

"Moon Garden…" A frown appeared between Qingxuan's brows as she tried to recall something.

"Let's bring her over." Hongyue turned to Yun Lintian.