The Disappearance Of Lei Zhenxiang

In a study room, everyone sat around a long table, and Yun Huanxin began to explain what had happened to the Misty Cloud Sect in the past.

"I see." Yun Xilou said softly after listening to the narration.

"How did you end up here, Senior Sister Xilou?" Yun Huanxin asked.

"It's a long story." Yun Xilou went silent for a moment and started narrating her experience.

After she heard that the Misty Cloud Sect was under attack, she didn't hesitate to leave Clear River Village and went to Misty Cloud Peak with her husband, Mu Weizhi. However, she arrived too late. Misty Cloud Peak was utterly turned upside down by Qi Qianxing.

At that time, she believed that some of her fellow sect disciples should be able to escape. Therefore, she quickly returned to the village and planned to bring her daughter and granddaughter away to search for the survivor. Apparently, when she came back, the village had long been raided by the bandits.