Sun Ling

"I have no intersection with them. Why would they send people over?" Yun Lintian said in doubt. 

From Han Bingling's words, the Sun Clan had a good relationship with his master, Lin Zixuan. If possible, he didn't want to be an enemy of them. At least until he figured out their relationship.

"They should come after the sword." Qing Xiaoting said. "Back then, Sun Ling and I went to the Golden Mountain Ruin together. Although she hid it well, I could see she wanted to get the sword from me."

"Why don't they send people to bid for it, then?" Yun Lintian was puzzled.

"It would be too obvious, I guess." Qing Xiaoting said uncertainly. "After all, she didn't want to have a bad relationship with me."

Yun Lintian frowned deeply. He didn't think it was because of this reason. There must be something more than that.