Relentless Attacks

Yun Lintian retracted his sword and looked at the lifeless Wang Jin silently. The appearance of the Wang Clan reminded him of his senior sister, Jiang Yingyue. After this, he would head straight to the Azure Ancient City to see her situation. 


Kun suddenly appeared before Wang Jin's body and smashed it into paste meat in order to vent his anger.

Yun Lintian was taken aback and hurriedly stopped him. "Hold on. Let me take his storage ring first."

Kun stopped his action, and Yun Lintian waved his hand, pulling Wang Jian's storage ring and sword over.

Looking at the content inside, he nodded in satisfaction. "He's indeed worthy of being the Wang Clan's young master."

More than ten million high-grade Profound Stones and various pills were stored inside the ring. 

Yun Lintian looked up and threw the storage ring to Kun. "Take this. You will need it when you go out."