
"Cooperating with you? What kind of cooperation, Young Master Du?" Sun Tao was surprised to hear this.

"As everyone knows, we need to collect one hundred profound beast cores as soon as possible. Wouldn't it be better to move as a group? We will share the profound cores among us. With this, the speed will be several times faster." Du Huanfeng proposed.

Sun Tao didn't think there was something wrong with this cooperation. He turned to Lin Xinyao and asked. "What do you think, Junior Sister Lin?"

Du Huanfeng looked at Lin Xinyao with a smile. He, of course, heard about her reputation before, and her beauty was indeed exaggerated as the rumor, though she was wearing a veil right now.

Lin Xinyao went silent. She could naturally see Du Huanfeng's ulterior motive.

"Kill him. I'm here behind you."