Heaven Piercing Sword (2)

Yun Lintian's Spiritual Sense extended outward, he could hear a joyful sword's hum as if it was greeting him. This made him feel weird in his heart.

Technically, he wasn't the owner of the sword yet. Moreover, this was the first time he had met it. Why did it greet him like it was seeing its old friend?

Yun Lintian didn't think about it further. He walked up to the sword and looked at it carefully.

The sword hilt was carved with a twin dragon coiling pattern toward the blade. Yun Lintian didn't know what kind of materials were used to forge this sword, but he was certain they were several grades higher than all the materials he had in his hand currently.

Yun Lintian took a deep breath and reached his right hand out to grab the hilt.

The moment he touched it, the clouds in the sky swiftly spread out, and a golden light abruptly cascaded downward, painting everything in the surroundings golden.