
As the small episode was over, Yun Lintian continued to listen to various discussions in the dining hall. Most of them related to the marriage between Wang Lin and Jiang Yingyue and the news about the Golden Mountain Ruin. 

The ruin would be opened in the next month, and anyone could freely participate. There was no number limit. This made Yun Lintian think of the next plan. He must go to the ruin after taking care of Jiang Yingyue's matter.

"Again? Who is she? This person is so daring." A middle-aged man clad in green exclaimed in shock, attracting everyone's attention.

A middle-aged woman sat opposite him didn't seem to care about the others' gazes. She nodded and said. "Yeah. It's been a month now since this person appeared. I don't know where she comes from, but I truly admire her courage."

"Two Seniors, are you talking about the woman who has been troubling the Wang Clan this past month?" A young man at the nearby table couldn't help asking.