Guilt And Hatred

While Jiang Yingyue and Xiao Ya were talking, a young man seventy percent resembled Jiang Yingyue walked into the courtyard. He was Jiang Yingyue's younger brother, Jiang Zhu.

"Are you ready, my good big sister?" A playful smile appeared on his lips as he spoke.

Jiang Yingyue glanced at him and uttered coldly. "Scram."

Jiang Zhu's expression changed slightly, and he calmed down the next moment. A sneer appeared at the corner of his lips as he said. "Go ahead. This is the last chance for you to be arrogant. Hehe. I want to see what you look like under Young Master Wang's crotch later."

Xiao Ya was so furious when she heard this. "You are going too far, Second Young Master!"

"Too far?" Jiang Zhu glanced at her and chuckled. "If I remember correctly, you are sixteen this year. Good! You will be a bed-warming bitch for me from now on."

Xiao Ya's face turned pale as her body trembled in fright. The earlier courage vanished utterly.
