Strange Creature

"Thank you." Yun Lintian looked at Master Bai and said sincerely.

Master Bai turned around and found another pill bottle before throwing it at Yun Lintian. "This is for your soul. However, you better take one-tenth of the pellet. Unlike your physique, your soul has nothing to help with."

Yun Lintian tried to open his interspatial ring, but futile since he couldn't use his Spiritual Sense. The only thing he could do was take another tenth-tier pill that Master Bai gave him.

Unlike the previous pill, Yun Lintian pretty much listened to Master Bai and only took one-tenth of the pellet.

Immediately after swallowing the pill, a refreshing current rushed to Yun Lintian's soul and spread to every corner of his body. He quickly calmed down and concentrated on absorbing.