Surprised Deal

Compared to the Sand Wave Village, the Blue Oasis Village's atmosphere was more cool and pleasant. Small rivers formed a vast lake around the village, and dense forests could be seen everywhere. It gave off a feeling this place shouldn't exist in the desert.

At the same time, the populations here were also several times higher. When Yun Lintian's group walked into the village, they could feel as if they had entered a huge city instead of a village.

"No wonder everyone was fighting for this village. I would, too." Han Bingling said softly while looking around. Although she had been to several more prosperous places than this village, it didn't prevent her from liking it.

Yun Lintian nodded in agreement. This village gave him a vibe of a scenic coastal spot on Earth. If there was nothing for him to do, he would definitely spend leisure time here.

He turned to Ren Muyang and asked. "How is it, Uncle Ren?"