Despair (1)

The ground shook, and several earth pillars protruded out of it, aiming at Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian constantly executed the Shadow Step to avoid them and arrived before the Boundless Desert Emperor.

"Hah!" His aura burst forth as he swung the sword down with a sharp crimson flame trailing behind.

A dreadful yellow light flashed through the Boundless Desert Emperor's eyes. Before Yun Lintian's slash could reach his head, a thick earth shield abruptly appeared in between, completely blocking the incoming attack.

At the same time, an earthly spike shot out of the ground beneath Yun Lintian. It was sharp and deadly, going straight to his belly.

Seeing this, Yun Lintian didn't hesitate to thrust the White Dragon Spear forward, producing a virtual fire dragon.


Everything happened simultaneously, creating a massive explosion of power, sweeping away all the tiles and sand nearby.