Aftermath (2)

Yun Lintian was puzzled. From what he knew, no one had ever experienced the Heaven Tribulation when he stepped into the Monarch Profound Realm. Why would it aim at him? Was it because the Beyond Heaven King's power was too heaven-defying, and it wanted to eliminate him?

In fact, Yun Lintian wasn't surprised about this. He had experienced the Heaven Tribulation before and was certain it was aimed at him. 

Thankfully, the Boundless Desert Emperor forced him to use all of his strength first. Otherwise, he would definitely break through to the Monarch Profound Realm in one fell swoop and possibly die under the Heaven Tribulation.

At the same time, he used this chance to reflect on himself. He admitted that he had underestimated the enemy greatly this time. One reason was that he wanted to increase his strength faster and forgot to do a proper investigation first. 

Fortunately, no one ended up losing their life here. Otherwise, he would be extremely guilty.