Internal Strife

"We will bring you there after the banquet." Shen Mingjun made the decision directly, causing the clan elders behind to frown. 

They had a general idea about Yun Lintian, but the clan's library was a forbidden area exclusive to the clansmen. Throughout clan history, no outsider had ever entered it. No matter how powerful Yun Lintian was, the rules passed down from their ancestor must be abiding strictly.

"Patriarch…" One of the elders, who carried a wooden fan, wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Shen Mingjun.

"We will talk about it later." Shen Mingjun said and led everyone to the dining hall.

Yun Lintian could feel the unusual atmosphere and guessed there was internal strife. It seemed the Shen Clan wasn't as united as he had expected.

  After everyone sat down, and the dishes were served, no one talked about the situation outside. They were focusing on general topics instead.