Shen Shanyuan

"Hahaha!" As Yun Lintian's words fell, a burst of laughter abruptly resounded from the outside. The next moment, an old man in his eighties walked into the hall with a dragon clutch in his hand.

His demeanor was imposing, the entirely opposite of Shen Mingjun. If Yun Lintian had met him first, he would think this person was the clan head instead.

"Old Patriarch!" Shen Dong and the other elders quickly got up and greeted him respectfully.

The old man, Shen Shanyuan, waved his hand dismissively and said. "Sit down. There's no need to stand the ceremony."

He then looked at Yun Lintian and praised him. "You are truly a rare talent. I didn't expect you to see through my concealing technique."

Yun Lintian smiled and said nothing. In fact, it wasn't he who noticed the old man, but Hongyue. This also made him raise the vigilance in his heart. This old man was extremely dangerous. He could avoid his perception perfectly.