A Message From The Past (5)

"Power of time? There's someone that can actually use it?" Yun Lintian quickly reacted upon hearing this. As a novel reader, he was naturally familiar with such a term. However, he didn't expect someone to possess it in real life.

"Did you remember what I told you before about the four great laws in the universe?" Hongyue asked.

"Of course. There are the laws of creation, destruction, time, and space." Yun Lintian replied. 

"So, do you think no one can master one of these laws after billions of years?" Hongyue said. "The power you see right now is just a bit of it, but even so, it's already amazing."

Yun Lintian frowned deeply. Although he had no idea about the law of time, he still understood its concept. If there was someone who could truly master this power, it was almost impossible to win such a person.