A Message From The Past (7)

The female voice sent a chill through every corner of Yun Lintian's body. Although there was no hostility from her, Yun Lintian felt as though he was a speck of dust in front of her.

Yun Lintian raised his hand to his face, trying to block the ice particles and get a clear look at the woman, but the wind was too strong. Moreover, he couldn't even use his Spiritual Sense here.

He mustered his strength and asked. "You are…?"

"I am the past… You are the future." The woman said calmly. 

"I left a tiny part of my residual soul to the record keeper to see what the future looks like." The woman said further. "You are indeed different."

"What do you mean? I don't understand." Yun Lintian asked in confusion. What was she talking about?