Prediction (1)

Hearing the question, Yun Chenyu didn't know how to answer. Her strength was clearly inferior to the opponent's, and she had already used her trump card. Without a doubt, she would die in the next battle.

Yun Lintian smiled and said. "So, your life would end here. What about the revenge then?"

Yun Chenyu's entire being trembled. Yun Lintian's words were like a thunderclap, striking her mind. If she died here, there would be no chance for her to seek revenge.

At this moment, Yun Chenyu realized how severe the consequence of her previous rash actions was.

Yun Lintian said further. "Go back and reflect on yourself for a week."

Yun Chenyu took a deep breath and said. "Thank you for teaching me, Master."

Yun Lintian smiled and turned to Han Bingling and the others. "Who wants to do it?"

"Let me." Nantian Fengyu suddenly soared into the sky. "Everyone, fall back."