Bizarre Event (2)

"Don't move from the place, Fifth Sister." Yun Lintian said and squatted down, carefully checking every inch of the ground.

While both sides of the passage were made of gold, the ground here was actually filled with soil. Strange enough, there wasn't any footprint here despite the bloodstains on the wall. And not a single drop of blood could be seen as well.

"There's no trace on it, which means there's something wrong with this ground. Counting how many people came here in the past, it is impossible to leave no trace." Yun Lintian began to analyze the situation. "The only possibility is that the ground can erase the trace by itself… But how?"

No matter how Yun Lintian looked at the ground, he didn't find anything strange about it. Not even a single rune could be seen… How did it work?