Discovery (2)

"Lynn, besides Bingling and Qianxue, did anyone enter my room recently?" Yun Lintian asked after recovering his sense.

His heart pounded rapidly, and his mind became a mess. A certain figure appeared in his mind… Is it her?

"It's Miss Lin," Lynn replied.

Yun Lintian's eyes widened in shock. "Did she open this box?"

"Yes," Lynn responded.

Yun Lintian's body trembled. The scene where he met Lin Xinyao for the first time emerged in his mind. Especially the moment she used her life to protect him. He always doubted this, but it seemed everything was clear now.

"She… But how?… Her appearance is not the same…"

Yun Lintian picked the album up with his shaking hand before slumping onto the bed. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the album. 

The first picture he saw was a picture of Xia Yao and him. His face was slightly annoyed, while Xia Yao smiled brightly.