The Gap In Power

The space before Yun Lintian and Nantian Fengyu resembled a volcano area, except there was no magma but scorching ground instead.

On the ground, several skeletons could be seen. These skeletons were special. They resembled a bird mixing with humans. 

At the same time, most of them emitted the Divine Phoenix's aura while the rest were mixing.

Not only the skeletons that could be seen but many broken weapons and artifacts were also scattered around the place. Obviously, this place was a battlefield before.

Yun Lintian scanned the place with the Eyes of Heaven and saw no trap or formation. However, he wasn't at ease after the previous experience. He took a Profound Stone out and threw it into the scorching space while preparing to summon the Gate of Beyond Heaven, just in case.

When the Profound Stone came into contact with the scorching aura, it was instantly burned by a terrifying flame and reduced to powder.