Unparalleled Might (1)

Standing before the giant gate, Yun Lintian looked at a mythical beast pattern on it with great interest. Similar to the Gate of Beyond Heaven, the pattern on the gate consisted of the White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Phoenix, and Black Turtle. 

"How to open it?" He pushed the gate slightly and found out it could not be opened.

"Try to use the crown." Hongyue suddenly said.

Yun Lintian nodded, and the crown appeared on his head again. 


Yun Lintian didn't even do anything, and the pattern on the gate suddenly shone in golden light. With a dull sound, the gate slowly pushed open, revealing a dazzling golden radiance behind it.

Yun Lintian and the others had to block their faces with their hands as they were unable to look at it directly.