Reunion Of Two Lifetimes (2)

"You… You know?" Lin Xinyao asked uncertainly. Her eyes darted from side to side as she couldn't bring herself to believe it.

"Yes. I know that you are my Yaoyao." Yun Lintian hugged her even tighter as he spoke. He thought that parting last time would last forever. It seemed heaven took pity on him, giving him a second chance to meet her again.

This time, he would never allow her to leave him again.

Lin Xinyao's stiff body relaxed immediately, and the confusion in her eyes also vanished. Tears gradually flowed along her cheeks as her hands grasped his back tightly.

"I miss you." She said in a trembling voice and buried her head in his neck.

"You have no idea how much I miss you in these twenty years." Yun Lintian said softy. "But it doesn't matter now. I would never let anything happen to you again."

"Mhm." Lin Xinyao responded with a hum and was immersed in the familiar warm embrace.