Chaotic Sea Region (3)

After passing through the black vortex, Yun Lintian found himself in an open space. Incomparably heavy and ancient, the air and aura within this place were completely different from that of the outside world. 

With a single glance, they could see that the sky and the ground in this place were all shrouded in a gloomy shade of ash gray. This spread as far as the eye could see, painting a bleak picture of desolation that was hard to put into words.

"This place…" Yun Lintian's brows furrowed as he looked around. It was called the Chaotic Sea Region, but there was no water in this place. It was as if he had just stepped into a whole new world.

Just as Yun Lintian scanned the place curiously, the empty world abruptly lit up with a cluster of profound light. In the next instant, that profound light drew even nearer as it swiftly approached him.

It was a figure covered in a hazy black mist, making Yun Lintian unable to see that figure's face or body shape.