A Clue

"You're the Divine Thunder Palace's founder?" Yun Lintian asked.

The old man, Lei Yongzheng, replied. "I am. You know me?"

With Yun Lintian's age, it was strange for him to know Lei Yongzheng. Unless he was a descendant of the nine palaces.

"You are proficient in a thunder art, but it's not coming from my Divine Thunder Art… Who is your master?" Lei Yongzheng asked in doubt.

Yun Lintian cupped his fists and said. "This junior is Yun Lintian. Please forgive me for my rudeness earlier. As for my master, her name is Lin Zixuan. However, she isn't the one who taught me this technique."

"Lin Zixuan…? I seem to hear this name before." Lei Yongzheng frowned slightly. He looked at Yun Lintian and asked further. "How did you come here?"

"Senior might not notice that the spatial turbulence here has long disappeared already." Yun Lintian said.