Mysterious Identity (2)

"Submit or die?… Although you are strong, do you think you can fight us…Arghhhh!" While Jia Long was speaking halfway, a scarlet cut suddenly appeared before him, cutting him in half directly.

Blood spurted into the air, causing everyone to freeze in place. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they stared at Jia Long's corpse.

Everything happened too fast that they were unable to comprehend the situation.

It was only when they heard Xie Ling's voice did they return to their senses.

"Hehe. I have always wanted to kill this bastard for a long time. It's so refreshing to kill him in a single strike." Xie Ling said while licking her lips playfully.

She glanced at Qin Yuanzhang and the others. "I don't want to repeat it again."

Qin Yuanzheng's face turned ashen. The strength Xie Ling displayed earlier was far beyond him. Once the battle broke out, he didn't know whether everyone here could resist her.