Blazing Sun (1)

"Why did it appear here?" Yun Lintian asked in confusion.

"Maybe it is attracted by the Dragon Sealing Formation," Hongyue replied with a frown. In fact, she had no idea as well. 

The World Swallowing Beast was an ancient beast that could rival a peak Divine Emperor at its peak. Usually, it would target a middle and higher realm star more than a pitifully tiny star in the lower realm.

"But you don't have to worry. As long as you destroy the other tunnel, everything will be fine." Hongyue said.

Yun Lintian went silent for a moment and asked. "Why do I feel this tunnel seems to lead to a different dimension?"

"It is," Hongyue answered. "If I guess correctly, it should be a place called the Ancient God Buried Ground."

"Ancient God Buried Ground? What kind of place is that?" Yun Lintian asked.