Apocalyptic Calamity (8)

Yun Lintian looked at the dark sky briefly before flying up and releasing his aura.

The night sky was immediately illuminated with a sea of golden brilliance. However, the brilliance only lasted a few minutes before disappearing into the darkness.

This scene made Yun Lintian frown deeper.

"What's going on, Hongyue?" He asked in his mind.

"As I told you earlier, this is an aura from a genuine Divine King. And it's a devil with a strong bloodline. Your power may be able to resist it, but to cleanse it, you need an opposite elemental power, that is the light element." Hongyue explained.

"Unless your power is far stronger than it. You won't be able to remove it easily."

"I see." Yun Lintian nodded slightly.

"Lintian, all the profound beasts on the Northern Continent go berserk now." Yun Ruanyu suddenly flew over and said.

Yun Lintian glanced downward and saw many profound beasts start to make a fuss as if they had lost their minds.