Dragon Sealing (7)

"An agreement?" The man said nonchalantly. "It should be you who broke it first. Did you forget it?"

The Endless Dream God Emperor, Murong Mengyi, went silent.

The man said further. "During these past years, we have never sent anyone above the Divine King level to this tiny world because we respected the agreement."

"Since you broke it first, we no longer need to respect the agreement."

Murong Mengyi stared at the man for a while and said calmly. "I admit that I had indeed sent someone here. However, she did ask your people to leave, but they chose to be stubborn."

"And if you truly want to talk about respecting the agreement. Heh. Xing Wanshen. I will give you a chance to think about it again. Don't think that no one noticed what you did in secret."

The Star God Emperor, Xing Wanshen, went silent this time. His eyes flickered slightly as he said. "So, you're here to stop me?"