The World's Conference (1)

"You want to set it up here?" Standing beside the waterfall on the Moon Garden, Yun Ruanyu asked in doubt.

Yun Lintian nodded. "I planned to set up two passages. One here and another one below. The passage here will be exclusive for us and our friends, while the below one will be opened for outsiders in the future."

"Would it be too risky?" Yun Ruanyu frowned slightly.

"Don't worry. The passage is actually one-way. Without my permission, no one can enter from the other side." Yun Lintian smiled reassuringly.

Since he obtained coordination from Yun Xia, he devoted his time to studying how to create a spatial passage. With the help of the Spatial Wheel's power and Hongyue's guidance, he could finally come up with one.

The spatial passage he was about to create was completely under his control. He could decide whether to let anyone use it at will. Even when he left, he could grant authority to someone close to him, like Yun Ruanyu and Yun Qianxue.