A Brand New World (2)

"Big Brother Yun…" Linlin and Qingqing tightly hugged Yun Lintian's face, unwilling to let go.

The two of them thought Yun Lintian would bring them along, but that wasn't the case.

Yun Lintian hugged them and said softly. "Wait for big brother here, alright? Big brother will come back as soon as possible. Besides, we can still see each other in the Land of Beyond Heaven."

"Mhm." The two of them hummed softly and pressed their faces onto Yun Lintian's face.

After a while, they let go and returned to Yun Qianxue's side.

Han Bingling tightly hugged Yun Lintian and whispered. "Don't let me wait for too long. You know what I mean."

The hot air from Han Bingling's breath caused Yun Lintian's body to shiver. He couldn't wait to tear her robe apart and press her down directly. Unfortunately, he had to suppress his evil desire.