Ximen Clan (4)

As Yun Lintian's words came out, Zhou Ling'er went silent immediately. She now understood what Yun Lintian was trying to convey. 

Once Yun Lintian was involved in this matter, the enemy who poisoned her mother would certainly look for him. At that time, he would be hunted down without a doubt.

Yun Lintian said further. "My words may be rude, but I believe everyone here is aware of it. Even if the Ximen Clan wanted to protect me, I didn't think you could. So, please forgive me, Princess Zhou. I really cannot help you with this matter."

He didn't mention the Divine Alchemy Association as he believed Zhou Ling'er might have visited the association already and found no solution.

Zhou Ling'er and the others fell silent. They could understand Yun Lintian's stance. After all, no one wanted to unnecessarily be involved in other people's grievances.