Divine Alchemy Association (2)

Yun Lintian didn't waste his time. After entering the room, he quickly set the fire and threw all the ingredients into the given cauldron directly. 

His action instantly startled all the alchemists in the scene.

"Hahaha! What a ridiculous way of refining ingredients! Did he think he was the Pill Emperor or something?" Lou Ping laughed out loud. 

In his opinion, Yun Lintian was simply looking to embarrass himself. It was impossible for him to remove the impurity of the ingredients in one go like that.

Zhi Wei frowned slightly when he saw this scene. As a president, his skill was naturally high, but even so, he didn't dare to refine all the ingredients altogether like this… Could it be his judgment was wrong?

Under everyone's doubtful gaze, Yun Lintian suddenly slapped the cauldron rhythmically, and black powder could be seen flying out every time his hand touched the cauldron.